Stellar space weather and its impact on exoplanetary habitability
April 29 – May 03, 2024
on-site Meeting
About the spring school
Whether or not we are alone in the universe has fascinated humanity for many centuries. New missions like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and upcoming ones like the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey (ARIEL) will deliver data addressing this crucial question within the next few decades.
Of particular interest are exoplanets orbiting cool stars (in particular K- and M-stars) due to, e.g., favorable (planet/star) flux ratios. However, recent estimations showed that the exoplanetary radiation environment around such stars might be much harsher than what we know from the Sun. Thus, exoplanets could be exposed to an enhanced stellar radiation environment, which – in turn – could affect its habitability, e.g., due to a hazardous flux of energetic particles influencing atmospheric evolution, climate, photochemistry, and the atmospheric radiation dose.
The interdisciplinary workshop – which will take place in the Maritim Hotel in Kiel from April 29 to May 03 – aims to bring together experts from astrophysics, particle physics, solar/stellar physics, planetary sciences, and atmospheric chemistry/climate physics to understand “Stellar space weather and its impact on exoplanetary habitability”.
The school is particularly suitable for Master’s and PhD students, but also for postdocs and Bachelor’s students.
Organizer: Private lecturer Dr. Konstantin Herbst (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) and Tanja Schumann (TU Berlin)
About the SPP 1992 “Exoplanet Diversity”
The SPP 1992 is a priority program (in German: SchwerPunktProgramm) funded by the German Research Foundation. It addresses the diversity and complexity of exoplanets by linking observational methods for planet detection and characterization with theory and modeling. More info can be found on the program’s official website: